Helpful Links

Alpaca Owners Association (AOA)
    The National organization for Alpaca owners.

    The regional organization for Alpaca owners in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico.  An affiliate of AOA.

State of Texas Alpaca Ranchers (STAR)
    The Alpaca organization for owners in Texas. 

(This organization closed up shop, but they still maintain a website)

Llama, Alpaca and Camel Health
    A very good source of Veterinary information, and a list of Camelid Vets throughout the country.

Texas Natural Resource Server
    Good resource for native plant information, including Toxic Plant database, Plant Image Gallery, Know Your Grasses, and other helpful information for the Texas rancher.

Texas Fire Ant Research and Management
    Texas A&M Universtiy's Imported Fire Ant Project website.  Good information about Fire Ants and how to control them.

Trinity Ridge Alpacas
Kemp, Texas 

Blue Gate Alpacas
Austin, Texas

Members of:

AOA (Alpaca Owners Assn.)

TxOLAN (Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico)

ARI (Alpaca Registry, Inc.)

Alpaca Culture (Magazine, Directory, information about the alpaca industry)
